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Aluminum Nitride Ceramic Processing Technology

DATE:2023-09-15 16:01:17

1, Chemical Mechanical Polishing ,CMPCMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) is currently the most widely used global planarization technology in the semiconductor industry. Significant progress has been made in the research of CMP for aluminum nitride ceramics. In chemical mechanical polishing, the removal of material is achieved through a combination of chemical and mechanical actions. The processed aluminum nitride surface is prone to micro-cracks and sub-surface damages. Additionally, the polishing slurry can cause contamination and requires specialized process treatment. Regular correction of the polishing pad is also necessary in the polishing process.”

2,Electrolytic Inprocess Dressing,ELID

Electrolytic In-process Dressing (ELID) assisted grinding is a process where a grinding wheel is connected to the positive terminal of a power source through an electrode with good conductivity that is shaped according to the grinding wheel. There is a certain gap between the electrode and the surface of the grinding wheel. An electrolytic grinding fluid with electrolytic properties is sprayed into the gap through a nozzle. Under the influence of electric current, the metal matrix of the grinding wheel acts as the anode and undergoes electrolysis, causing the abrasive grains in the grinding wheel to be exposed on the surface, creating a certain depth of cut and chip space.

3, Laser processing

Laser processing is a non-contact processing, tool wear-free, high-precision, and highly flexible advanced processing technology, which is a suitable processing method for brittle and hard ceramic materials.

4,Magnetorheological Finishing MRF

Magnetorheological Finishing (MRF) is a process that applies a high-intensity gradient magnetic field between the workpiece and the polishing disc. This manufacturing technique is complex and expensive, and it is generally used as the final step in the processing of optical components.

5, Plasma Assisted Polishing ,PAP

Plasma Assisted Polishing (PAP) is a dry polishing technique. It combines plasma irradiation to modify the surface, and the modified layer can be removed by ultra-low pressure or using soft abrasives. Therefore, it is often used for processing difficult-to-handle materials.

6,Compound polishing process

The contact abrasive machining method includes diamond grinding and free abrasive polishing. Although it has high processing efficiency and good workpiece shape accuracy, it will introduce severe surface and subsurface damage, and it is only suitable for rough machining. It must be combined with etching or polishing processes to remove the damage layer and release stress.